Peringatan HUT RI ke-75 TK Budi Luhur

Salam Budi luhur!

Heyy friends.. Hopefully, we stay healthy and keep the spirit of running activities.. Aamiin

Pada hari Selasa 18 Agustus 2020, TK Budi Luhur mengadakan kegiatan dalam rangka memperingati HUT RI ke-75. Kegiatan ini diisi dengan Lomba menggambar dan mewarnai oleh siswa/i TK Budi Luhur secara Virtual.. Wahhh seru banget yaah

Semoga pandemi Covid-19 ini segera berakhir dan anak-anak bisa kembali belajar di sekolah secara tatap muka

Stay at home and keep healthy. We say thank you very much, have a nice day and see you latter, Salam Budi luhur!!!

Learn from home KB & TK Budi Luhur


Budi Luhur kindergarten students are studying at home. The policy was given by the government regarding the Covid-19 outbreak that hit the world, including in the homeland. Initially, face-to-face learning is replaced with online learning.
By the way, Budi Luhur kindergarten Students are given online learning by involving parents to accompany children to work on learning tasks at home.
teachers create creative online learning that is fun. In fact, not only do the children feel cool and enjoy doing their tasks, but also parents are happy to accompany them to learn.

Pesantren Ramadhan online SD Budi Luhur

Good morning friends…., hopefully stay healthy and safe your fasting

Salam Budi Luhur 🖐️
Alhamdulillah, we are still given the opportunity to meet this glorious month. The implementation of Ramadhan for Pesantren kilat at Budi Luhur Elementary School is different from previous years. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the implementation of pesantren kilat this year via online.
The media used for the delivery of pesantren kilat material is through Google meet and Google Classroom. Pesantren Kilat is held on May 2020
Join with Pesantren Ramadhan Budi Luhur Elementary School
hopefully remain in the faith and devotion to Allah SWT

Thank you and have a nice day 😉

Learn from home Budi luhur Elementary school

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Hello friends… Hopefully, we stay healthy and keep the spirit of running activities. Aamiin.

Salam Budi Luhur✋
For this even semester, Budi Luhur Elementary School students study at home. The policy was given by the government related to the Covid-19 outbreak that hit the world, including in the homeland. Which is usually face-to-face learning in schools, with this outbreak Budi Luhur Elementary School implements online Learning or Online. Teachers create fun, creative online learning. Students feel calm and enjoy doing their assignments at home by prioritizing health to avoid covid 19 virus

Thank You and Have a nice day 😉

Penyemprotan cairan Disenfektan

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Salam Budi luhur 🖐️
Pada tanggal 24 dan 27 Maret 2020 telah dilakukan sterilisasi seluruh unit Sekolah Budi luhur dan Penyemprotan cairan disinfektan guna meminimalisir penyebaran virus corona

So, kalian semua stay at home, tetap jaga kondisi kesehatan dan semoga kita semua dijauhkan dari wabah virus corona… Aamiin