Cooking class KB & TK Budi luhur

Hey guys. Finally, yesterday was the day of KB TK BUDI LUHUR to collaborate with Pizza Dominos 🍕

HAPPY Cooking Class ……
Play group, Kindergarten BUDI LUHUR students, ready to be invited looking at the kitchen, yeay! Children lined up neatly complete with aprons and chef hats, troops, be ready to enter the kitchen! First, the officer gave an introduction to the ingredients of pizza making, the various topings, and how to process them 🎉

After that the clerk explained about the equipment used when making pizza such as grills and control panels. Children were also invited to the cold room, which is a low-temperature room for a place to store various kinds of meat, chicken, frozen sausages and other ingredients 🌈

Taarraa … after waiting for a while, the officer returned to bring the pizzas that had been released, the pizzas were distributed and could be enjoyed immediately. Hmmm, yummiee …
Salam Budi luhur ✋

Occupation Day

Hey Guys, yesterday Budi Luhur Kindergarten held an activity with the theme, occupation day

Planning a career day at school can introduce students about jobs in the future. The purpose of career days is to introduce students about profession of a doctor at hospital and discuss her work

SD Budi Luhur Goes to Ocean Dream Samudra, Ancol

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Salam Budi Luhur 🤚

Happy… Happy.. Happy.. Happy…!!! Goes to Ocean Dream Samudra, Ancol 🎉

Hi Guys.. yesterday, Students of Budi Luhur Elementary School were going to Ocean Dream.
So, we could enjoy atmosphere there. We watched Dolphin and seal Performance, and we also watched 5D Cinema 😎

Have a nice day.. see you next time. Bye-bye

Pertunjukan Atraksi Barongsai

Heyy guys…. Pada hari Senin 27 januari 2020, Sekolah Budi luhur karang tengah kedatangan team barongsai 🐲

Ternyata atraksi barongsai sangat menghibur siswa siswi KB –TK – SD – SMP Budi Luhur. Mereka terlihat antusias ketika atraksi dimulai, begitu pula ketika Barongsai keliling lapangan sambil melompat , semua bersorak terhibur. Nampak sebagian dari mereka yang merekam atraksi barongsai, dan sebagian fokus terhadap pertunjukan 🐉

Gebyar SD Budi Luhur

Terima kasih kami ucapkan kepada seluruh tamu undangan peserta lomba coloring, para guru pembimbing, ayah dan bunda yang sudah rela meluangkan waktunya di hari libur untuk menemani putra dan putri tercinta serta adik- adik sekolah dasar yang sudah menampilkan performance terbaik dalam acara Pensi Gebyar Budi Luhur Sabtu 14 Desember 2019 🎉

We are proud and saying thank you very much….for your dedication!! 🎈
Salam Budi Luhur!!!