Occupation Day

Hey Guys, yesterday Budi Luhur Kindergarten held an activity with the theme, occupation day

Planning a career day at school can introduce students about jobs in the future. The purpose of career days is to introduce students about profession of a doctor at hospital and discuss her work

SD Budi Luhur Goes to Ocean Dream Samudra, Ancol

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Salam Budi Luhur 🤚

Happy… Happy.. Happy.. Happy…!!! Goes to Ocean Dream Samudra, Ancol 🎉

Hi Guys.. yesterday, Students of Budi Luhur Elementary School were going to Ocean Dream.
So, we could enjoy atmosphere there. We watched Dolphin and seal Performance, and we also watched 5D Cinema 😎

Have a nice day.. see you next time. Bye-bye

Pertunjukan Atraksi Barongsai

Heyy guys…. Pada hari Senin 27 januari 2020, Sekolah Budi luhur karang tengah kedatangan team barongsai 🐲

Ternyata atraksi barongsai sangat menghibur siswa siswi KB –TK – SD – SMP Budi Luhur. Mereka terlihat antusias ketika atraksi dimulai, begitu pula ketika Barongsai keliling lapangan sambil melompat , semua bersorak terhibur. Nampak sebagian dari mereka yang merekam atraksi barongsai, dan sebagian fokus terhadap pertunjukan 🐉